BioNomadixResearchers have long recognized the need for a better tool for Electroencephalogram (EEG) ambulatory monitoring. While many have come up with certain wired solutions, there has not been a valid solution for long term logging or telemetry. BIOPAC Systems, Inc. has now introduced the brand new BioNomadix Logger, a true wireless and wearable ambulatory monitoring device. The Logger allows researchers the option for long term monitoring with its ability to store data for later upload or it can also telemeter back to a computer for live recording in a lab setting. The new BioNomadix logger truly allows you to conduct physiology experiments anywhere and everywhere – you can log up to 24 hours of high-quality data outside the lab and includes ECG, EEG, EMG, EOG, EGG, EDA, Pulse, Respiration, Temperature, Cardiac Output, Heel & Toe Strike, Clench Force, Accelerometer, & Goniometry signals. The device is small in size, only about the size of your hand, making it easy for subjects to take it with them in their everyday activities. 

The BioNomadix Logger fills the void where other more non-accessible devices could not. A study performed by researchers at the University of Minho aimed to create a wireless, wearable EEG ambulatory monitoring solution through a combination of other devices. They tested their tool against other devices (such as BIOPAC’s B-Alert X10) to measure the quality of the EEG signal. Although the researcher’s tool was able to record high quality data, it was bulky and could only be used on subjects in a lab. The BioNomadix Logger thus picks up where this study left off, allowing subjects to log data while performing everyday activities. The Logger’s small size also bypasses the bulky nature of other EEG ambulatory monitoring devices. The BioNomadix Logger thus represents a great step forward in long term wireless, wearable, ambulatory monitoring and data logging devices.  

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