BIOPAC offers a wide range of tools for recording and analyzing human or animal EEG signals. Available hardware includes the EEG100C amplifier, which amplifies bioelectric potentials associated with neuronal activity of the brain and can be used to perform unipolar or bipolar EEG measurements. The amplifier output can be switched between normal EEG and alpha wave detection. The 0.005 Hz HP setting will support Slow Cortical Potential measurement in the EEG. The Alpha detection mode outputs a smoothed wave with a peak indicating maximal alpha activity (signal energy in the 8-13 Hz frequency range).

EEG can now also be recorded from an MRI using the EEG100C-MRI smart amplifier. Data recording is easier and final results are cleaner when using the smart amplifier to derive EEG signals during fMRI or MRI. The unit incorporates advance signal processing to remove spurious MRI artifacts from physiological data. The MRI version of the EEG100C can still be sampled at the same rate as the normal amplifier during recording. This is because the MRI related artifacts are removed from the source, thus still leaving a perfectly recorded EEG signal. 

The amplifier includes a number of helpful features that improve derived EEG signals. There is less sensitivity to electrode and transducer lead placement and improved gain selectability. The unit minimizes computer based real-time or post-processing signal processing for faster data analysis. Cleaner data is available as a real-time analog output for easy analysis. The EEG100C-MRI contains the same functionality as the normal amplifier with the added compatibility with MRI cable and filter sets. 

AcqKnowledge provides powerful EEG analysis solutions. Use AcqKnowledge software to automatically filter raw EEG signal for Alpha, Beta, Theta, and Gamma wave activity and provide full frequency analysis of the data. AcqKnowledge contains powerful EEG analysis that provides a fully automated, epoch driven, analysis of the signal. The software also will remove any EOG artifacts from the signals. 

BIOPAC also offers a suite of wireless EEG solutions for mobile data recording. The Mobita, BioNomadix, and B-Alert X10 units all provide powerful wireless recording alternatives for EEG. The hardware allows for recording of EEG ranging from a single channel to up to 32 channels of data. Combined with AcqKnowledge software, the BIOPAC range of EEG recording products encompasses any need for in-lab recording, real-world and MRI applications. Learn more at EEG Applications

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