Electrocardiogram signals can be recorded from humans or animals wirelessly or via tethered amplifiers(BioNomadix). Analyzing changes in ECG rhythms can provide valuable insight into stress, arousal, and exercise research.  Automated ECG Analysis packages are available that provide a wide variety of automated ECG analysis options. 

To examine changes in the physical ECG complex during experimental protocols the Locate ECG Complex boundaries routine will locate and score the different parts of the ECG complex (P, Q, R, S, T intervals).  The routine can be tailored for human or animal ECG recordings. For human signals, the automated ECG complex boundaries routine can also measure and extract the ECG interval information to a spreadsheet file or text file. Another automated ECG analysis routine will help the user classify heartbeats as normal, PVC, or unknown. This provides a quick automated analysis tool to identify and mark irregular heartbeats.

For more in-depth studies, such as heart rate variability analysis there are also automated tools that can be used to simplify the reporting process. Automated HRV analysis routines can provide a variety of output options including frequency information, tachograms, and R-R interval tables.

Additional automated ECG analysis tools are also available to examine respiratory sinus arrhythmia, determine beat-by-beat heart rate, and more.

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